Virtualbox License Commercial

Facebook: The solution for this is simple. I created a Virtual Machine on the main computer, then install Team Viewer.

Active8 years, 4 months ago

Possible Duplicate:
Can you help me with my software licensing question?

I was never good at reading and understanding commercial licenses, so I would like to ask a question. I just started working for a large company and I need to setup an environment on a virtual machine. I would like to use the free VMWare Player, but I'm not sure if I can: does the license allow me to do use the free version for commercial purposes?


Virtualbox Commercial Use


marked as duplicate by user619714, Rob Moir, Ben Pilbrow, Scott Pack, Mark HendersonMay 17 '11 at 22:48

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

Virtualbox license commercial

2 Answers

In addition to 3molos answer, not without written agreement from VMware.

From the EULA:

'VMware Player is intended for your own personal non-commercial use only. Player may only be used commercially or be re-distributed with written agreement from VMware. Requests should be submitted online at playerdistribution.'

3,8474 gold badges23 silver badges43 bronze badges

You might want to read their FAQ.

What does it cost?

VMware Player is free for personal non-commercial use. VMware Player is only distributable with written permission from VMware. Please apply here to request a distribution agreement.


Virtualbox Cost

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3,8474 gold badges23 silver badges43 bronze badges

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OSBoxes – Virtual Machines for VirtualBox & VMwareUmair

Virtualbox Commercial License Price

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OSBoxes offers you ready-to-use Linux/Unix guest operating systems.

Oracle Virtualbox License Terms

If you don’t want to install secondary OS alongside with your main OS but still want to use/try it, then you can use VirtualBox or VMware on your host operating system to run virtual machine.

Simply download any image you want and run it as VM.


VirtualBox is a x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product, it is the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under GNU GPL V2 license.


VMware Player is a virtualization product supplied free of charge for personal use by VMware, Inc. VMware Player can run existing virtual appliances and create its own virtual machines.

Virtualbox License Commercial License

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