Phison Ps2251 67


Phison PS2251-68 firmware is designed to repair and reformat corrupted Phison USB flash disks that have PS2251-68,Phison UP23N, Phison UP25 and Phison PS2268 chip controller.There are many format software that can fix corrupted PS2251-68 controller.

Phison Ps2251 67 2

I had a usb stick fail. It froze while copying, had no option but to just pull it out. Since then the computer only picks it up as a Removable Disk, which opens with Please insert disc.
Assuming i corrupted something, I'v been playing around with Phison MPALL, which apparently can help. I dont really know what im doing in there though lol. Tried following users threads of them having ago, but no avail.
I downloaded Phison_MPALL_V3flash_drive_repair_.63_PS2251-67, which comes with a bunch of files, .bin .exe, etc.
I also managed to use GetInfo.exe to read the stick and correctly identify some details. Which has given some hope, as i guess that means its not completely dead.
Can someone shed some light on how this works.