Pacific Warriors Pc Game

Pacific Warriors for PC is just one of hundreds of free game. Pacific Warriors is a WWII air combat game. Download Is A Whopping 5GB; Some PC Copies. 50 PC Game Icons 10 50 High Quality PC game Dock Icons All files PNG @ 512x512 Note: The PNG i.pacific Beer Tycoon Bionicle Heroes Chronicles of.

Pacific Warriors Pc Game

Although to many modern, big-money developers it seems to be a dead art, there are in the hinterlands of the Internet some cracking old-skool shoot 'em ups to be found, either as freeware or shareware. There is a reason for that: few people want to spend $30 on a simple concept and therefore few people make them. In the case of Pacific Warriors, in essence there is little to tell it apart from the 'classic' coin-op 1942, mixed of course with a slice of Afterburner.

Pacific Air Warriors Pc Game Download

Well, OK, Pacific Warriors offers much more freedom toget lost among the confusing islands of the South Pacific, and as a flight game, is far easier to get to grips with than any simulator you'd care to mention. But as an action game it is pretty dull. For instance, the seas and island are entirely static, you are more likely to be rammed out of the sky rather than taken out with a well-placed shot and the sound is a dreadful cacophony of looped samples and repeating voice lines.

Pacific Warriors Game

But for all that, Pacific Warriors is one of those games that while you're playing, manages to trick you into thinking that you're having some kind of fun. As you think you're nearing the end of one level, you're thinking that the next must be better. And it is, just enough for the hope to circulate once more.